Historical Fiction Author
Michael Zucker grew up in Arizona and lives in Virginia with his family. He became interested in storytelling as a five year old and wrote “books” about dinosaurs at seven. At 15, he discovered historical fiction and never looked back.
He is best known for his biographical novels, The Eisenhower Chronicles and The Middle Generation, which give nuanced portrayals of great but underrated American leaders and portray their contributions to foreign policy and civil rights. His adventures, Theodore Roosevelt and the Hunt for the Liopleurodon and A Great Soldier in the Last Great War, are for young adults but have been enjoyed by readers of all ages.
Zucker’s works have been praised for their character depth, dialogue, and historical accuracy, and they have won numerous awards. He is a member of the Authors Guild and the Historical Novel Society.

Winner of the "Five Star Award for Excellence in Historical Fiction" for The Eisenhower Chronicles

Finalist for Best Fiction E-book at the Next Generation Indie Book Awards
for The Middle Generation
First place Winner of the Best Fictional Biography Award at BookFest for The Eisenhower Chronicles

Short-Listed for The 2023 Hemingway Book Awards
for The Eisenhower Chronicles
Runner-Up for the 2024
Benjamin Franklin Awards
for The Middle Generation

Winner of the "Five Star Award for Excellence in Historical Fiction" for The Middle Generation

Third place Winner of the Historical Fiction Club Book of the Year Contest 2023 - Biography
for The Middle Generation

Distinguished Favorite for the 2024 NYC Big Book Award for Historical Fiction
for The Middle Generation

Winner of the Literary Titan Book Award
for The Middle Generation

Finalist for The 2024 Goethe Book Awards for The Middle Generation